radikal hospitality

our aims in no particular order

  1. include more voices and perspectives
  2. galvanize collective, communal action
  3. share the stories behind food
  4. challenge perceptions of what is desirable to eat
  5. engage individuals within a collective food system
radikal hospitality was founded under the radikal and simple principal that eating is the setting that brings society to the table. through our events, gatherings, and experiences we aim to include more people, more identities, and more ideas into our societal conversations around food and community. our overall aim is to radikalize communities to take charge of their own food systems. we believe in the principal that social, cultural, and environmental values should be treated with equal importance. what looks sustainable to one community may not be sustainable to another. radikal hospitality is founded on the principal that although humans are not seperate from nature, nature offers a lens through which humans can better understand ourselves and our relationships: to eachother and to the planet. the stories that underly food and eating should be elevated as a pathway for longterm, responsible food systems change.

social eating for social change
social eating for social change